Men’s winter items needed at Storehouse
Storehouse of Hope is collecting men’s winter coats, hats and warm gloves in good condition for our Clothing Boutique. Gently used clothing is available without charge on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:30 am until 1:30 pm when a hot meal is also served. Clothing donations are welcome Sunday mornings or from Monday-Thursday 9:30 am – […]
2:15pm Tuesdays for “Sanctuary” (Women’s reflection time)
“SANCTUARY” (Scripture & Prayer for Women) slightly adjusts our meeting time! Now gathering at 2:15 pm on TUESDAYS for an hour to read scripture, have quiet reflection, pray together and occasionally prayer walk in our community. We hope to see you at 2:15 pm on Tuesday! Contact Karen Cullum or the church office for more […]
Storehouse gifted new food processor!
God has blessed Storehouse of Hope with a $3000.00 donation of an industrial food processor! Praise God for His provision, for the volunteer staff and for your continued donations of packaged snacks, baked goods and gently used clothing. Key Storehouse volunteers Karen, Alina and Darlene are pictured here with Phil Irwin, the Market Solutions Advisor […]
Storehouse in Profile magazine!
The January 2024 issue of Profile Kingston magazine includes an article that features KAC’s Storehouse of Hope! Lisa Russell writes, “A place to go for a full meal and free clothing can mean the world to a person in need. The Kingston Alliance Church Storehouse of Hope, on Palace Road, is one of those places.” […]
Thank you, Storehouse volunteers!
There are so many to thank–we are so grateful that God always supplies in abundance and provides what we need! The Storehouse Christmas meal on Dec 18, 2023 hosted 58 guests and 15 volunteers who all enjoyed ham with roasted pineapple, turkey with stuffing and gravy, plus a nice assortment of roasted vegetables. They also […]