1 Timothy 6:18 says in part, “...to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share with others.”
Storehouse is our outreach to the community surrounding Kingston Alliance Church.

Storehouse is open from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm on Mondays and Thursdays for hot lunch and dessert (Sept – June.) There’s always someone to talk to, a new friend to meet and a smile to receive. (CLOSED on holiday Mondays.)
Storehouse of Hope Boutique: Storehouse also provides gently used clothing through a free shopping experience in the Storehouse of Hope Boutique.
“Storehouse of Hope” is our church’s food & clothing outreach. KAC has fed & clothed people in need, free of charge, with dignity and without question for over 21 years. Storehouse provides not only fresh food but a friendly and welcoming café atmosphere on Monday & Thursday mornings.